A smooth golden brown in color with a hearty flavor and a butter caramel taste. Khalas can be enjoyed at half-ripe and full-ripe stages. It is popular in Oman and the gulf region, and forms an important part of Arabian hospitality where it is served along with Arabic coffee

Grown almost exclusively in Oman, Fard is visually attractive due to its roundish shape with a glowing fine dark skin. Fard is a nutritiously explosive superfood with an added advantage of low glycemic index.

Bu Narinja
The dark reddish color gave it a unique name that is derived from “Nar” fire in Arabic. Bu Narinja is grown in the eastern parts of Oman and is highly appreciated for its natural sweetness and toffee taste.

Unique in its large size, deep brown color on the outside and amber color from the inside, Majdool is very well known as a gourmet dates also known as California-style dates. The texture of the date is thick presents a distinctive caramel flavor with a creamy, lingering aftertaste.

Other varieties
In addition to the four main verities produced in the Million Palm Tree Plantation Project, we offer a range of other premium quality dates that are produced by Omani farmers which are carefully selected to meet our standards